What Is Steel Good Again Gsc

Zubat Line


Zubat GSC.png
Type Poison/Flying
Abilities N/A
Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Catch Rate 255 (33.iii%)
Development Level 22


Golbat GSC.png
Type Poison/Flying
Abilities N/A
Gender Ratio 50% Male, 50% Female
Catch Rate xc (11.8%)
Development Level up with high friendship


Crobat GSC.png
Blazon Poison/Flying
Abilities N/A
Gender Ratio fifty% Male, l% Female
Grab Rate 90 (11.8%)

Zubat can be found on Routes 3, 4, 32, 33, and 42, but at nighttime. It tin also be plant in Nighttime Cavern, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Wood, Burned Tower, Mt. Mortar, Whirl Islands, Water ice Path, Tohjo Falls, and Rock Tunnel, at all times of the day. This applies to all three games. In Crystal, it can also be plant on Routes 9, 10, 30 and 31, once once more only at nighttime. Golbat tin can besides be plant in most of the caves, but none of the Routes, and is too available in Mt. Silverish in Crystal.


Ever since Crobat became a thing, the often disregarded (and hated) Zubat line gained a preposterous number of fans. Save for the Kanto games, Crobat is available almost everywhere, often from pretty early; getting it to actual Crobat condition may be difficult, since Zubat evolves relatively late and has a terrible starting movepool, though from Golbat status it normally merely takes one more than level for it to become fully evolved. Overall, Crobat is solid and reliable, and blessed - at to the lowest degree in Johto - by an environs that is far from ripe with enemies that sport STAB attacks that are potent against it, even in the early on game; this greatly boosts the survivability of this line. Information technology being a friendship evolution means it will also happen very early on with nuzlocke rules, as there is absolutely nothing that could mayhap lower Zubat's happiness (except biting herbal medicines, and even existence strapped for greenbacks is not a proficient reason to use them). Unfortunately, in its debut generation, Crobat suffers from a severely shallow movepool which volition become burdensome towards the late game, and generally underwhelming to have. Crobat's best trick is Toxic stall games, and information technology cannot even do that until afterwards beating the Champion. Still, as an early-to-eye-game Pokémon, the bat is definitely a great option which remains viable fifty-fifty in the long run, although not as amazing equally it may be in its better generations.

Important Matchups [ ]

Johto [ ]

  • Gym #ane - Falkner (Violet City, Flying-type): Zubat finds itself at a disadvantage confronting Pidgey, and Pidgeotto fifty-fifty more than so. With its merely weapons beingness the very weak (and resisted) Leech Life and the unreliable Supersonic, it is unlikely Zubat will manage to defeat anything just merely Pidgey, unless it already knows Bite; in that case, information technology may exist able to outspeed Pidgeotto - on account of existence higher-levelled - and flinchhax it to decease.
  • Gym #2 - Bugsy (Azalea Boondocks, Bug-type): Kakuna and Metapod are an like shooting fish in a barrel job for Zubat'southward Seize with teeth. Zubat tin can also put in some work against Scyther; its Supersonic, however unreliable, may occasionally break Fury Cutter streaks and forbid them from becoming besides powerful; nevertheless, even with Quick Attack alone, Scyther averagely four-5HKOs and as well knows Leer, which it can employ to rapidly reduce the corporeality of turns needed to beat Zubat. Overall, Zubat may get-go off fighting Scyther until its health is high enough to make the boxing sustainable, but there should be a prepare backup in case Zubat fails to handle it.
  • Rival (Azalea Town): A Zubat with Bite defeats Gastly easily, commonly 2HKOing it; it volition also outdamage the rival's Zubat, every bit its level is likely to be higher, though the enemy Zubat may nonetheless apply Supersonic to badger your own. Bayleef's only offensive movement is Razor Leaf and its PoisonPowder has no result on Zubat, so no issues there, though both Quilava and Croconaw volition severely outdamage Zubat with their respective STAB moves.
  • Gym #3 - Whitney (Goldenrod Urban center, Normal-type): Zubat is not platonic to fight in this gym. Its Bite takes several hits to beat Clefairy, thereby giving information technology room to apply Metronome and potentially select a dangerous move, similar Selfdestruct or Explosion; Miltank, on the other hand, deals about a third of Zubat's health with the first Rollout, meaning it can kill from the third stage onwards. Golbat fares meliorate against Clefairy, and has good chances of chirapsia it before too many Metronome turns with Confuse Ray and Bite combined; it remains underpowered against Miltank, nevertheless, and should at best use Confuse Ray once before withdrawing, to assist its teammates avoid a phase four or five Rollout.
  • Rival (Burned Tower): Golbat's Seize with teeth volition averagely 3HKO Haunter, long before its Mean Look and Curse combination becomes a trouble. Zubat is also easy to defeat, even more so if Golbat knows Render, which has a significantly better damage output than Bite. Magnemite outdamages by far with ThunderShock and SonicBoom, but tin be potentially overcome with Confuse Ray and either Return spam or Bite flinchhax. Bayleef only has Razor Leaf and can barely damage Golbat; Quilava and Croconaw are achievable although with patience, as even Seize with teeth is stronger than their STAB moves, but Golbat will struggle to beat them without Return, unless Confuse Ray over again does a expert job.
  • Gym #4 - Morty (Ecruteak City, Ghost-type): It is highly recommended to have a Crobat before entering this gym. Crobat'southward Bite 2HKOs Gastly and averagely 3HKOs both of the Haunter; the impairment output is sufficient for them to be incapable to use Mean Await and Curse and maintain the curse-block throughout the battle. However, as both the second (stronger) Haunter and Gengar take Mean Look but not Curse, it is notwithstanding advised to switch Crobat out in case a Curse is still laid upon it, before proceeding with the fight. This is especially important against Gengar, which takes time to wear down with Seize with teeth. Awakenings or Total Heals are also necessary in remarkable amounts, as Gengar's but offensive moves are Shadow Ball and Dream Eater; while the old is weaker than Crobat'southward Bite, the latter is devastating, thus Crobat should be kept awake at all times against Gengar.
  • Eusine (Cianwood City, Crystal only): Crobat can go past Drowzee in ii to three hits with a combination of Return and Bite, which easily bypasses its Disable; although Drowzee knows both Hypnosis and Dream Eater, it is unlikely it will exist able to utilize them enough times to get a threat to Crobat. Haunter is 2-3HKOed by Seize with teeth. Electrode knows Thunder, avoid.
  • Gym #five - Chuck (Cianwood Urban center, Fighting-blazon): Wing Attack averagely 2HKOs Primeape and 3HKOs Poliwrath. Savor the sweep.
  • Gym #six - Jasmine (Olivine City, Steel-type): The ii Magnemite sport STAB Thunderbolt, which is likewise powerful for Crobat to take; although merely a 2HKO, Crobat'south moves are weak confronting the Magnemite and it cannot prevail. Aforementioned against Steelix, due to its monster Defense, fifty-fifty though Iron Tail is "only" a 3HKO.
  • Rocket Executive battle #1 (Team Rocket HQ): Crobat is likely to be close to level xxx or higher at this point, and if that is indeed the example, the boxing will not be difficult. Return or Wing Attack dispose of all three Pokémon in 3 hits at about, and even Koffing'southward Selfdestruct deals less than one-half of Crobat's total health in damage.
  • Rocket Executive boxing #2 (Team Rocket HQ): Another riskless boxing for Crobat. Wing Attack or Return volition 2-3HKO all of the Executive's Pokémon, whose moves deal little damage.
  • Gym #7 - Pryce (Mahogany Town, Water ice-blazon): Crobat'southward Return or Fly is a three-4HKO against Seel, which deals relatively piffling damage with Aurora Beam, due to not being supported by STAB; if Crobat'south Attack drops, however, the matchup will become more difficult. Dewgong's Aurora Beam is significantly stronger in comparison, netting a close 3HKO; Crobat may exist able to overcome information technology with Misfile Ray spam, just leaving the battle upwards to adventure is dangerous when Crobat'south health is low, equally a defoliation pause or a Fly miss may off information technology. Piloswine'southward Blizzard is a net 2HKO that Crobat finds unsurmountable, and information technology should exist avoided altogether.
  • Rocket Executive boxing #iii (Goldenrod Radio Tower): Although Crobat may be able to beat one Koffing or two, their Selfdestruct inflicts most half of Crobat'southward health in damage, and Crobat's moves will averagely not 2HKO but 3HKO instead, leaving the Koffing just in Selfdestruct range. A disquisitional Selfdestruct volition kill Crobat, also, and Weezing's Explosion comes close to killing in one blow fifty-fifty without a disquisitional hit, depending on Crobat's level and Defense stat. Overall, Crobat should preferably not participate in this battle at all.
  • Rival (Goldenrod Underground): Golbat, Haunter and Sneasel are all no problem for Crobat; Fly beats them all in ii to three hits. Return can 4HKO Magnemite, which does not take whatsoever Electrical STAB, but its Thunder Wave and Supersonic combination is annoying, and better left to a Pokémon that can off it more easily, if available. Meganium is 2HKOed by Fly, Quilava is 2-3HKOed, and Feraligatr requires iv hits, but cannot do much to Crobat brusque of flinchhaxing with Scary Face and Seize with teeth, a combination that is unlikely to piece of work in the long term.
  • Rocket Executive battle #four (Goldenrod Radio Belfry): Fly accomplishes a slew of ii-3HKOs all beyond the board one time again.
  • Rocket Executive battle #5 (Goldenrod Radio Tower): Wing is a 2HKO confronting Houndour, 2-3HKO against Koffing and 3HKO against Houndoom. Houndoom can 4HKO dorsum, and so keep Crobat healed as needed, if it must solo this fight.
  • Suicune (Bong Tower, Crystal only): Rain Dance-boosted BubbleBeam can KO Crobat in iii hits. Crobat's moves deal a significantly lesser amount of damage, but it may be able to overcome Suicune past playing smart, with a combination of Confuse Ray and Fly; if Suicune hits itself in confusion frequently enough, and/or Crobat is kept healed, it will win in the long run.
  • Gym #8 - Clair (Blackthorn City, Dragon-type): All 3 of the Dragonair know Thunder Wave, which cripples Crobat. It should exist able to win against the lead, whose strongest motion is Surf; Fly and Return both averagely 3HKO Dragonair, and Return is better if Crobat is paralysed, since Fly is highly unlikely to consummate its execution in that case. The other two Dragonair know Thunderbolt and Ice Beam respectively; although Fly is stronger than said moves, paralysis will be a problem, and Crobat will struggle to win. Crobat should but e'er come close to Kingdra if its plan is to alternating Misfile Ray and Fly, considering its Surf and Hyper Beam are both average 3HKOs and the harm Crobat deals in return will only suffice with the helping of confusion recoil.
  • Rival (Victory Route): Sneasel, Golbat, Haunter and Kadabra tin all exist KOed in two to three turns; Kadabra cannot 2HKO Crobat, even with Psybeam, though Crobat must watch out for Future Sight and Psybeam stacking up if damaged, although Future Sight will deal regular impairment due to its constructive typing being neutral, instead of super effective. The now-evolved Magneton is as well strong for Crobat, which tin can just hope to misfile information technology before switching out. Crobat still defeats Meganium easily, and can KO Feraligatr with Fly over a bridge of several turns, with the help of Confuse Ray; Wing besides outdamages Typhlosion's Flame Bicycle, so Crobat tin can win relatively easily unless it gets burned.
  • Aristocracy Four Will (Indigo Plateau, Psychic-type): Even a Crobat that far outlevels Will's Pokémon is at odds with them. The first Xatu matches up with Crobat's Wing with its Psychic, and unlike Psychic, Fly can miss; a single miss would mean the end for Crobat, and Will'south other Pokémon are only likewise powerful. Even Exeggutor, weak to Flying, can put upward Reflect while Crobat is in the air and so beat it with two Psychics. Crobat should preferably not be used here at all.
  • Aristocracy Iv Koga (Indigo Plateau, Poison-type): Fly ane-2HKOs both Ariados and Venomoth. Crobat can also beat Koga's Crobat, but volition crave patience doing and then, as it is known for its Double Team spam; Misfile Ray should aid Crobat deal more than damage before the evasion boosts get troublesome. Alternatively, an 10 Accuracy may be used, which will render any evasion or accuracy modifier useless. Muk can utilise both Minimize and Acid Armor, and is thus doubly annoying, simply Crobat can one time once again piece of work information technology out with Misfile Ray and Fly, particularly since Muk's only damaging motion is Sludge Bomb. Switch out against Forretress; it knows Explosion, and can near-kill Crobat with ane shot.
  • Elite Iv Bruno (Indigo Plateau, Fighting-type): Fly OHKOs Hitmonlee, 2HKOs Hitmonchan and Hitmontop, and averagely 2HKOs Machamp (3HKO in the worst case scenario). The Hitmons have petty to fight Crobat dorsum with; even Hitmonchan's Ice Punch and ThunderPunch are laughable, running off a very poor Special Attack stat. Machamp'due south Rock Slide is a 3HKO instead, but information technology will only go a problem if Wing misses oft. Crobat can also win against Onix by using Confuse Ray and Bite, equally Seize with teeth itself is more than powerful than Onix's Rock Slide.
  • Elite Four Karen (Indigo Plateau, Dark-type): Vileplume and Murkrow are 2HKOed past Fly. Umbreon is three-4HKOed, but its only real "threat" is Sand-Attack spam; Crobat can go past it with an X Accuracy, as well equally simply switching out. Gengar is a 3HKO on boilerplate, as well, though its Destiny Bond may arrive Crobat's fashion; in that case, Misfile Ray will help, or fifty-fifty Seize with teeth flinching. Crobat's Fly and Houndoom'due south Flamethrower are both averagely 3HKOs, so Crobat will win if Fly never misses, merely must be wary of the possibility when its wellness is low.
  • Champion Lance (Indigo Plateau, Flight-type): Crobat may effort to beat Gyarados, which it may manage with Fly if the motion never misses; Gyarados needs either Hyper Beam or a Rain Trip the light fantastic-boosted Surf to beat out Crobat'due south damage output, and both of these crave an boosted turn, to recharge or prepare respectively. Charizard iii-4HKOs with Flamethrower naturally, and Crobat 4HKOs; fighting it is risky, unless Crobat is kept healed whenever needed. Aerodactyl outpowers Crobat with Rock Slide, so exercise the Dragonite; the level 47 ones each have one of Thunder or Blizzard, and all iii of them also take Hyper Beam, better than any of Crobat's moves by a far cry.

Kanto [ ]

From this indicate onwards, you can fight the gyms in whatsoever order, though yous will need to call back the Automobile Parts from the Cerulean Metropolis gym before y'all have access to the earlier portion of Kanto. Experience free to anticipate or postpone any battles as needed.

  • Gym #9 - Brock (Pewter Urban center, Rock-blazon): Without Giga Drain, this matchup is incommunicable for Crobat. With Giga Drain, it becomes very piece of cake: Graveler, Rhyhorn and Onix are OHKOed, Omastar and Kabutops are 2HKOed. Withal, neither Omastar nor Kabutops know Stone moves, and so Crobat volition non take much harm.
  • Rival (Mt. Moon, optional): Sneasel, Golbat, Gengar and Alakazam are all anywhere from 2HKOed to 3HKOed with Fly. The first three are relatively weak, but Alakazam is unsafe: if Crobat fails to ii-shot it, whether due to a Fly miss or other factors, Alakazam volition 2HKO back with Psychic; this also means disquisitional hits are a adventure. Bothering against Magneton is not worth it, information technology volition outdamage Crobat past far. All of the starters are besides beaten by the bat, in a variable amount of turns; if Crobat already knows Giga Drain, it is the most effective weapon to use against Feraligatr.
  • Gym #10 - Misty (Cerulean City, Water-type): Crobat has an easy time against Golduck and Quagsire, particularly if information technology knows Giga Drain; fifty-fifty Golduck's Psychic is only a 3HKO. With the help of Misfile Ray, Crobat can reduce enemy impairment and fight both of them, potentially without healing. It must, however, avoid Lapras and Starmie, due to their respective Ice coverage moves, Blizzard and Water ice Axle.
  • Gym #eleven - Lt. Surge (Vermilion City, Electric-type): Raichu, Magneton and Electabuzz all massively outpower Crobat. The two Electrode know no STAB moves, then they can be two-3HKOed with Render, unless they use Screech beforehand; with a unmarried Screech, their Explosion becomes an OHKO against Crobat.
  • Gym #12 - Erika (Celadon Urban center, Grass-blazon): Having zero but Grass coverage, except Victreebel's Acid, this gym is a breeze for Crobat, which scores a series of 2HKOs with Wing.
  • Gym #thirteen - Janine (Fuchsia Urban center, Toxicant-type): Ariados and Venomoth get wrecked by Fly, which 3HKOs Janine'southward Crobat and the two Weezing also. Weezing's Explosion deals upward to well-nigh 70% to Crobat, however, if its level is in the early on 50s; while information technology may be able to accept one bomb move, information technology will non accept two unless healed, and critical hits tin happen in between.
  • Gym #14 - Sabrina (Saffron City, Psychic-type): All of Sabrina's Pokémon 2HKO Crobat with Psychic. Crobat should not enter this gym at all.
  • Gym #15 - Blaine (Seafoam Islands, Burn-blazon): Crobat should not fight Magcargo, as it would go Curse forage and then get destroyed by Rock Slide. It can, instead, 3HKO Magmar with Fly. Rapidash is merely a 4HKO if Crobat is in the early 50s, and it volition also 3HKO with Fire Nail; in guild to win against Rapidash, Crobat needs to be several levels alee of it (55 or to a higher place).
  • Gym #16 - Blue (Viridian Urban center): Crobat beats Pidgeot without a problem, but should preferably resort to Wing Set on if bachelor, because both Return and Fly will requite Pidgeot an advantage if information technology uses Mirror Move; Exeggutor tin can be 3HKOed with Fly. Rhydon is only 2HKOed by Giga Bleed; although Crobat tin accept a Rock Slide, it will demand to be close to total wellness to do so safely. Avoid Alakazam, whose Reflect and Psychic combination hands gets the best of Crobat, as well as Gyarados, which can 2HKO with Hydro Pump afterwards setting up Rain Dance. Arcanine's Flamethrower is also fairly stronger than Crobat's Fly, though information technology can be beaten with heal-stalling, providing Crobat's health is never left depression enough that information technology tin be offed by ExtremeSpeed.
  • Rival (Indigo Plateau, optional): Sneasel and Gengar are notwithstanding 2-3HKOed by Wing. Magneton should still exist avoided, as information technology is simply stronger than Crobat and now as well knows Thunder. The rival's Crobat has Wing Attack every bit its almost powerful move, and so any Crobat with Fly will win over it; even better to start the fight with Confuse Ray, equally the rival'southward Crobat likewise knows the move. Alakazam is a no-go: it knows Reverberate, and it may use it while Crobat is up in the air, finer halving its damage output earlier being hit. Meganium remains piece of cake to beat with Fly, which too outdamages Typhlosion's Flame Wheel, though Feraligatr will now outdamage Crobat with a combination of Pelting Dance and Surf; while Giga Drain tin recoup for the extra Surf harm without the pelting, it cannot do so if Pelting Trip the light fantastic toe is used.
  • Red (Mt. Argent): Crobat'southward Return may initially be on par with Pikachu'due south Thunderbolt in terms of harm, but ane Charm will apace render Crobat powerless; Espeon will also get the best of Crobat with Reverberate and Psychic. Snorlax can be worn out only with plenty of healing items, else its Rest and Snore volition eventually go the all-time of Crobat, paired with Body Slam when awake; Crobat's Confuse Ray, however, can help with preventing Residuum usage. Venusaur is 2-3HKOed by Fly; Charizard's Flamethrower is a three-4HKO against Crobat'south boilerplate 4HKO, just once again, turns Charizard spends hit itself in confusion may plow the matchup in Crobat'southward favour. Blastoise knows Blizzard, Crobat should not fight against it.

Moves [ ]

Zubat'southward initial movepool is... Leech Life and, surprise surprise, that is it. Information technology learns Supersonic at level 6, not an excellent motion, but one that does help Zubat deal actual harm. At level 12, information technology finally gets a decent offensive move in the grade of Seize with teeth; and so, at 19, it obtains a much needed upgrade to Supersonic, Misfile Ray. This is actually a good move, as with Crobat's Speed, it helps greatly with fugitive attacks and goes fantastically with any potential teammate that knows moves that can paralyse or put the enemy to slumber. After evolving into Golbat, information technology is advised to go Crobat as soon as possible, as both Golbat and Crobat learn the exact same moves at the exact same levels: Wing Attack at xxx, dandy although it will become outclassed past Wing soon afterwards, then the relatively useless Hateful Look at 42 - only really good for getting a hold of the roaming legendaries - and Haze at 55.

Sadly, the already adequately barren movepool of this line does not go much better with TMs. There's Fly, which is the simply upgrade it can get to any sort of move it learns by level, and non past a far cry. Steel Wing may work for "coverage", but the Steel-type is a very unfortunate i to use offensively, and Crobat should not be fighting Rock- or Ice-types either mode. On the special side, it can acquire Giga Drain, which is really not and so bad and probably better than Steel Wing to really deal damage to Rock-types (nevertheless not brash, although it is a great move to use confronting dual Rock/Ground Pokémon). Render is actually its highest base of operations power move bachelor correct after Wing. For stall players, Toxic is a welcome addition to Confuse Ray.

Recommended moveset: Confuse Ray, Fly, Return, Seize with teeth / Giga Drain

Recommended Teammates [ ]

  • Footing-types: The just possible style to counter the few Electric-types of the Johto games are Ground-types. While not entirely necessary in the main adventure, they become useful against the stray Thunderbolts of the late game, besides as Lt. Surge'southward team, which is merciless to Crobat.
    • Adept Pokémon that fit this description include, amid others: Golem, Sandslash, Steelix, Piloswine, Donphan, Rhydon
  • H2o-types: Despite the overlapping Electric weakness, H2o-types are very necessary to complement Crobat, due to its hatred for Rock and Ice. Therefore, information technology is advised the resident Water-type exist picked accordingly to its relevant resistances; pure Water-types, for example, cover this part very well.
    • Practiced Pokémon that fit this description include, among others: Feraligatr, Politoed, Slowbro, Slowking, Golduck, Starmie (Crystal only), Lanturn, Dewgong, Vaporeon (Crystal but), Kingdra
  • Dark- or Steel-types: Psychic-types are well covered by Night or Steel, though both are not usually seen in Johto, except the guaranteed Eevee that can be turned into Umbreon. Crobat volition scarcely be able to face a Psychic-type nether whatsoever circumstance, so back up is needed confronting them.
    • Good Pokémon that fit this description include, amid others: Steelix, Forretress, Scizor, Umbreon, Skarmory, Houndoom

Other [ ]

Zubat's stats [ ]

Stat Range
At Lv. l At Lv. 100
HP : twoscore
100 - 147 190 - 284
Attack : 45
45 - 106 85 - 207
Defence force : 35
36 - 95 67 - 185
Sp.Atk : 30
31 - ninety 58 - 174
Sp.Def : 40
40 - 101 76 - 196
Speed : 55
54 - 117 103 - 229
Total: 245 Other Pokémon with this full
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and a hindering nature , if applicable.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.

Golbat'due south stats [ ]

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
HP : 75
135 - 182 260 - 354
Attack : lxxx
76 - 145 148 - 284
Defense : 70
67 - 134 130 - 262
Sp.Atk : 65
63 - 128 121 - 251
Sp.Def : 75
72 - 139 139 - 273
Speed : 90
85 - 156 166 - 306
Full: 455 Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and a hindering nature , if applicable.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.

Crobat's stats [ ]

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
HP : 85
145 - 192 280 - 374
Assail : xc
85 - 156 166 - 306
Defence force : 80
76 - 145 148 - 284
Sp.Atk : 70
67 - 134 130 - 262
Sp.Def : 80
76 - 145 148 - 284
Speed : 130
121 - 200 238 - 394
Total: 535 Other Pokémon with this full
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and a hindering nature , if applicative.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.
Zubat Line Ratings
4.5 Stars.png
4 Stars.png
3 Stars.png
4 Stars.png
Blazon Usefulness
3 Stars.png
Team Role
3.5 Stars.png
Offensive Utility
3.5 Stars.png
Defensive Utility
3.5 Stars.png
4 Stars.png
Fun Cistron
3.5 Stars.png
3.5 Stars.png
  • At what point in the game should I be evolved? If the bat is scheduled to fight against Whitney, Golbat status is mandatory, and Crobat status is preferred. Zubat can hold its own quite well until and then. It is important to have a Crobat around Cianwood for Eusine, in case of Crystal, just otherwise there is no rush evolving it; of course, this does not mean the development should necessarily be stalled, specially since there is no advantage whatsoever in keeping Golbat unevolved for longer than needed.
  • How skilful is the Zubat line in a Nuzlocke? Information technology tends to lose steam towards the end of the game, mostly due to its low base of operations power moves and not a huge variety to option from, but information technology is decent from early on thank you to the skillful matchups, and an early Crobat does wonders against the kickoff one-half of Johto.
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Electrical, Psychic, Ice
  • Resistances: Poison, Fighting (x0.25), Bug (x0.25), Grass (x0.25)
  • Immunities: Basis
  • Neutralities: Normal, Flight, Ghost, Steel, Burn, Water, Dragon, Nighttime


Source: https://project-nuzlockedex.fandom.com/wiki/Zubat_Line/GSC

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